Supplement Request Form


The Strangulation Supplemental Form has 5 main objectives and should be considered in its implementation. Training is always suggested as part of the implementation of this tool.

  1. Provide a tool for first responders and investigators to better guide them in strangulation investigations (similar to using the SFST for DWI response).

  2. Allow better identification of asphyxiation-related violence, capturing cases that would have otherwise gone unnoticed.

  3. Guides questioning that will allow officers to better identify the credible party. It also prepares against the most common defenses that arise.

  4. Result in a more complete investigation that no longer rely solely on visible injury (which is not often an element) and the question “could you breathe?” With aspects of trauma considered in its development, victims will better be able to articulate their experience.

  5. More efficiency at the crime scene, lowering resources to be allocated to a follow-up investigation by a detective.

To receive a copy of the strangulation supplement, fill out the request form. Please allow at least one week for us to get back to you and we will email you a copy as soon as possible. 
